jueves, marzo 05, 2009

Para Craig Isaac - To Craig Isaac

6 meses de gestacion:
Anoche estabas muy inquieto mi pequeñito. Parece que no habia suficiente espacio para ti, mi principe lindo. Me mantuviste despierta casi hasta las cuatro de la mañana con tus movimientos.Me llena de satisfaccion saber que estas bien y activo! El estres de estos dias me ha hecho refugiarme mas en ti y por eso quiero que sepas que lo unico que quiero en estos momentos es tenerte en mis brazos y verte la carita!Poderte alimentar y cuidar como solo tu te lo mereces!
Antenoche logre verte abrir y cerrar la boquita varias veces! Fue un espectaculo para mi..y si hubiera sido por mi, me hubiera quedado toda la noche disfrutando cada movimiento tuyo. Pero me lleno de paciencia sabiendo que cada dia nos trae una alegria para compartir..la proxima semana lograre verte con mas definicion! Eres el motivo de mi existencia mi bebito bonito!Gracias por llenarme la vida de alegria! Cuando nazcas te vas a dar cuenta de lo mucho que te he esperado. Te amo con todo mi corazon!

6 months:
Last night you were moving a lot, my little baby. It seems there wasn't enough room for you my beautiful prince. I couldn't sleep until 4 am because of your movements. I'm happy because I know you are active and healthy!
Stress during this week has brought us together and that's why I want you to know that the only thing I really want right now is to hold you tight in my arms and to see your face. I want to be able to feed you and take care of you as you deserve it!
Last night, I was able to see you opening and closing your little mouth many times! That was the best show for me..if it were my decision, I would have stayed the whole night enjoying every one of your movements. But I have to be patient because every day will bring us a joy to share..next week, I will be able to see you better! You are the reason why I exist my beautiful baby! Thank you for making me happy even though you are still in my belly! When you are born you will know hw much I have been waiting for you. I love you with all my heart!