Mother's day is a wonderful moment for me to reflect on what I do everyday and the way I assume single motherhood. This is the toughest job I have ever had, but it is the most rewarding one: Smiles, kisses, laughs, hugs, cries, tantrums....every little thing he does is such a blessing and the best accomplishment for me. When I remember all the things I went through when he was inside my womb, I feel so blessed, because now I know that every tear, every bad moment, every suffering completely worths the happiness Craig provides.
Being a mom has taught me a lot about me and for that I'm so thankful and proud. My little bundle of joy deserves the best and that's why I do everything possible to make him happy, healthy, teach him values and make a good, caring, loving person out of him. It is always nice to witness what a wonderful kid I'm raising and enjoy everytime I hear God clapping for my wonderful job!! :)
We spent Mother's day at the beach, we had fun playing in the sand and with the waves. We had lunch together, had a nap together, kissed each other thousand times! I love my little one! Thanks God for sending me such a blessing!! I had never been so thankful!! I love you Craig Isaac! :)
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