Ser mama ha sido una aventura linda para mi. Todas las noches le agradecemos a Dios por darnos la oportunidad de crecer juntos y de aprender tanto el uno del otro. Craig ha crecido mucho, ya el otro mes cumple 3 años!! y es magnifico ver todo lo que ha madurado y la cantidad de cosas que ha aprendido. Yo solo sigo queriendo ser la mejor mama del mundo. Todos los dias sueño y trabajo para darle lo mejor a mi hijo, porque se merece lo mejor!! El lazo que hemos creado entre los dos, es un lazo indestructible. Hace unos dias, mientras lloraba y Craig me limpiaba las lagrimas, pensaba en lo reconfortante que es su presencia en mi vida. Pensaba que mis brazos siempre estaran ahi para el y aunque para el sea dificil comprender mi dolor, nos comprendemos nuestros silencios, nuestros gestos, nuestros momentos tristes y felices. Yo siempre sere la heroina en su vida y siempre estare ahi, como el, para apoyarlo en sus sueños e ideales y para enseñarle como mi mama me lo enseño...que el amor incondicional es lo mas valioso que podemos poseer en la vida!! Te amo Craig!! Este es el 3 dia de la madre a tu lado y espero que Dios nos permita estar juntos por mucho tiempo y disfrutar del otro como lo hemos hecho hasta ahora.
Being a mom has been a beautiful adventure to me. Every night we thank God for giving us the opportunity of growing together and the opportunity of learning from each other. Craig has grown so much, next month he will already be 3 years old!! and it is wonderful to see how much he has grown up and all the things he has learned. I only want to keep being the best mom in the world for him. Every day I dream and work to give him the best, because he deserves the best of the best. the bond we have created is indestructible. A few days ago, while I was crying and he was cleaning my tears from my face. I was thinking how amazing is his presence in my life. I was thinking that my arms will be always there for him and although he hardly understand my pain, we understand our silences, our gestures our sad and happy moments. I will always be the hero in his life and I will be there, just like him...to support him and to teach him what my mom taught me...Unconditional love is the biggest treasure we can possess!!I love you Craig!!This is the 3rd mother's day close to you and I only hope God allows us to be together for much longer and enjoy each other as we have done so far.