Mi principe consentido: Hoy es mi primer dia de la madre y me siento muy orgullosa de tenerte aqui en mi vientre (35 semanas)! Tengo muchas ganas de verte sonreir, jugar, saltar, correr, aprender y crecer a mi lado. Sabes? He aprendido a valorar mas a mi mamita desde que te tengo a ti. Quiero besarte muchas veces y que aprendas lo que significa un compromiso. Quiero compartir tus logros y estar siempre contigo. Cada dia se acerca mas el momento de apretarte fuerte contra mis brazos! Te espero y te amo con todas mis fuerzas! Eres mi vida, mi angelito del cielo! Dios te bendiga por hacerme la mamita mas feliz del universo!
My spoiled prince: Today is my first Mother's Day and I feel very proud of having you inside my womb (35 weeks)! I can't wait to see you smiling, playing, jumping, running, learning and growing by my side. You know what? I have learned to value my mommy much more since I have you. I want to kiss you many times and i want you to learn what is a commitment. I want to share your goals and be always with you. Everyday I feel you closer to me. I want to hold you very tight in my arms! I'm waiting for you and I love you with all my heart! You are my life, my little angel from heaven! God bless you because you make me feel the happiest mom in the whole universe!