Señor, me has dado un hijo y te pido que le concedas el don de ser un hombre de paz. Que siempre sea leal consigo mismo y que viva sin egoísmos. Dale sabiduría y a su pensamiento luz. Permítele ser un hombre de bien guiado por la fe de tu amor. Que con mi apoyo y guía logre desarrollar una conciencia positiva y autentica. Que nunca se deje llevar por malos pensamientos e influencias negativas. Que siempre lo acompañe tu amor para librarlo del mal, del odio y de la traición. Concédenos la dicha de que sea un hombre íntegro y lleno de virtudes.
Gracias, Señor, gracias Dios de inmensa bondad.
Lord, you have given me a son, and I ask you to grant him the gift of being a man of peace. Let him be ever true to himself, and let him live unselfishly. Grant him both wisdom and light for his thoughts. Let him be a good man who is guided by the blessing of your love, and, with my support and guidance, let him develop a real and positive awareness. Let him not accept unclean thoughts and negative influences, and let him always be accompanied by your love, that he may be free of evil, hatred, and treason. Grant unto us the happiness of having a man who is loyal and virtuous. Thanks be to the God of great kindness.
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