Craig turned four-months old this past Tuesday, which means he has gone from being a newborn to officially being an infant. I am not sure if there is a real distinction in development in calling him “newborn” versus “infant,” but hitting this milestone somehow makes him seem more developed to me.
In all honesty, as a four-month old infant, he really is more developed than he was a few weeks ago. Some of the changes occurred before he hit the four-month mark, but they’ve all been fairly recent – no longer than three weeks.
One of the most noticeable changes in Craig is that he is a CHATTERBOX. I love it! I cannot understand a single word he says, but this little boy can TALK. It is really hilarious, because you can tell he thinks I understand. He makes these cute little facial expressions; he’s very animated for only being a four-month old infant. I really wish I could understand what he’s saying, because from his expressions, he is very entertaining.
Another change is that he has started to enjoy toys. As a two-month old newborn, he would basically stare blankly at his toys. Maybe occasionally he’d hit one. Now, however, as a four-month old infant, he really interacts with them. He has a stuffed wolf, a bear, another bear that looks like a rat to me :D, an octopus, a giraffe, four tigers. He just got the giraffe from his grandparents, I think he IS his new best friend. If I put him near him, he will actually take his little hands and grab him and pull him closer to him. More often than not, he finds a way to put his mouth in the giraffe's nose. He talks to him. They really are best buds. He has a similar interaction with the stuffed octopus I bought him. Craig loves to talk to him, too.
And the final significant change that he has made in the transition from newborn to four-month old infant is that he can now prop himself up on his elbows. I am quite proud of all the milestones he is reaching everyday. I never imagined how wonderful is to be a mom!!! It seems he will talk sooner than expected. Even first than Gabi, his cousin, who is 16 months-old and just says a few words.
I look forward to seeing all the changes Craig makes in the next couple of months. I enjoy every single thing he does. However, I hope he doesn’t grow up TOO fast. I’m going to miss all these firsts when they’re gone. :'( BTW, he tasted his first fruit last Saturday. He loved it!! I will start to introduce him more foods soon. He will have his first soup this coming Saturday! I can't wait!!!!!!
I have never been this proud! I don't mind being a single mom anymore! Craig is the most wonderful miracle that has happened to me, and now I'm completely sure that all the tears and suffering were worthy! Isn't he lovely?